Most of you porbably know that I am usually forgeting my courses at shows and everything. This is because my nerves kill me....and all of the time in between the jumps gives me time to second guess where I am going. So, I was just wondering what you do to control your nerves and memorize the course. Obviously I need some!
well 4 me i pretend in my mind its a normal course back at WES and it helps me not to look at anyone n just focus on each jump, and riding to your next one... i hope this has been helpful leanne, well it helps me atleast.
Granted I haven't been in a whole lot of shows but I do ride a lot of young horses where you need to calm otherwise they'll feel your nervous.
I find either talking to yourself in your head - like whoa or deep breathing helps me relax a bit. I also find humming a tune helps keep my mind from wandering from the job. There are actually a lot of "training" exercises where coaches will get their students to sing over the course - it usually ends up you get better distances because you're not overly concentrating on it.
Also remember to eat and drink lots - it will help calm your nerves if you have something in your stomach and you don't have to work as muich about heat exaustion.
As for the course memerization, watch other people in your division go then before you go into the ring say the course outloud to your coach or a freind who's been watching as a double check :) Then just remmeber to relax and you hopefully remember it :)
I also usually don't get nervous but what I do is first repeat the course a whole bunch of times and trace it with my finger. I also memorize easier if there is some sort of pattern and say it over and over again.
When I ride I pretend that I am in a lesson and completing the course. I concentrate only on Dylie and me and where I need to get him next. As you are jumping the gate you should be looking to your next jump anyways so this gives me time to quickly figure out where I need to go.
And my mom says that I need to breath and relax. I think that Sam and I do the same thing..
Just have fun Leanne, I really do and with more shows you will get better at memorizing courses under pressure.
Great advise everyone! Poor Leanne, you're so funny when you forget the course (I know, it's not funny, but the way you handle it is ). Like at Pause A While....backwards oxer!!! Eeek!!!
My best advise would be try not to try so hard. You're a very good natural rider, and are quite capable of completing a course. Don't get yourself too worked up about it before entering the ring, you've done these jumps a bunch of times, there is nothing in the ring you haven't done before, so just go over your course, watch a couple riders go, and don't think of anything else....keep it natural.
You'll get it....keep working hard!
Welcome to where ever you are, this is your life, you've made it this far!
I actually get really nervouse aswell wen I do courses. Even at WES i get nervous...what i do is before i enter the ring i memorize the course like perfectly. Once i do that and i enter the ring all i think about is going over the fences and on the right lead. Oh and going in your corners.
Hope this helps cuz it cools down my nerves, think about many things instead of thinking about if im going to forget the course.
so complicated lol but anyways u just have to try ur best and don't freak ur self out about it most of the PAEC n foxhunter courses are very simple like diagional outside line and just repeated again.
if you are still reading this... the main thing at a show is to relax. For me I like to hum or sing a song to myself, talk wih other people while I'm waiting, and of course watch other competitors. This is probably a bad thing, but I like to watch other riders and notice what they are doing wrong, so that I don't make the same mistakes. Then I say the course a bunch of times to anyone that will listen, maybe even make a song out of it. So remember, if you are relaxed then your horse is relaxed.
Some horses are big, some horses are small, but they are all loved, and adored by all
i wouldnt really know what to say i dont ever get nervous at horse shows lol i just cant! its funny my mom and meghan and lori always tell me to take deep breaths and just concentrate it think sometimes they are more nervous than me :) im totally calm going into the ring well so far anyways we will see about palgrave that might bring out some butterflies!!