Thanks Gab, I feel like I know more information now just because I read that post. Can you belevie some of that stuff???? Maybe they should make Coke green again, I don't think I would want to drink it anymore !!
Welcome to where ever you are, this is your life, you've made it this far!
lol. and in the other gifted class, theres only one not asian boy, and my teacher, (the loser) likes 2 b a match maker and make fun of who he thinks we like (i hate the boy)and my teachers like "awww, wat a cute couple" im like what the frig??? and the boy, he picks his nose!!! its sooooo gross. and also, the boy, u knoe the tires on buses, well he licked it!!1 ew...
«¤ • Gåß$ ãñÐ §âß$ •¤»
Live to ride, ride to live.